White Snake Garden Hose


Unpredictable and fierce, you don’t come across a hose like this every day. One would think that a piece like this was almost extinct, but luckily – we got you covered. This entirely white garden hose is a true work of art, that not only eases your lawns thirst, but your craving for a stylish hose that does your home justice. Our deluxe hoses are of highest quality and go perfectly with all our nozzles and wallmounts.

White Snake Hose

Unpredictable and fierce, you don’t come across a hose like this every day. One would think that a piece like this was almost extinct, but luckily – we got you covered. This entirely white garden hose is a true work of art, that not only eases your lawns thirst, but your craving for a stylish hose that does your home justice. Our deluxe hoses are of highest quality and go perfectly with all our nozzles and wallmounts.


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